Road-Tested Advice for New Residents

A few years ago, the hospital where I work started new residency programs in internal medicine and family practice. Many of the residents do rotations in anesthesiology and surgery where I have an opportunity to meet and talk with them. They are eager to learn medicine of course, but they are also interested in the perspective that many of us who have been practicing medicine for many years have to offer them. Given the opportunity to speak to a large group of early career physicians or medical students, I think I would offer the following advice.

First and foremost, do not be afraid to take care of yourself. With all there is to learn and do and all the hours you’ll spend doing it, it’s easy to be consumed by your career. It’s important to have something outside of medicine that you’re passionate about. That could be your family, a hobby, a sport you play, photography, or writing the great American novel – you get the idea. Read more…